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Revealed: Britain's Most Congested Cities

Revealed: Britain's Most Congested Cities

Hull has been named the most congested city in the United Kingdom, while it was revealed that Londoners spent almost five days in rush hour traffic last year.

The United Kingdom’s capital city was highlighted as one of the world’s slowest cities, requiring a full 33 minutes to cover a mere six-mile distance in a vehicle, a figure many taxi drivers might well relate to.

When traffic begins to build, however, it is Hull which emerges as the UK’s most congested city, placing 12th worst in the entire world. The least congested city in the UK last year, meanwhile, was Newcastle-Sunderland.

The figures come as part of TomTom’s annual Global Traffic Index findings, which measures the level of congestion and infrastructure challenges when driving across 500 cities around the world.

The study uses two metrics to produce its findings;

- Static Factors: The result of city infrastructure, the design of the roads, traffic light synchronising, speed limits and pedestrian zones
- Dynamic Factors: Traffic flow, incidents, bottlenecks and anything that can actively hamper progress on a daily basis

By measuring a combination of static and dynamic factors, TomTom can gauge which cities prompt the slowest progress over a six-mile distance on a regular basis.


As a result, London emerges the fifth ‘slowest city’ from the 500 surveyed, requiring an average of 33mins 17secs to drive six miles.

That said, this is an improvement on 2022 and 2023 when London was ranked as the slowest city of all the 500 cities studied. For 2024, it has been surpassed by Barranquilla in Colombia, which sees drivers take 34mins 51secs to cover the same distance.

  Slowest UK Cities Time Taken To Travel 6 Miles Global Rank
1 London 33mins 17secs 5th
2 Edinburgh 27mins 24secs 58th
3 Liverpool 25mins 15secs 94th
4 Leicester 24mins 52secs 99th
5 Manchester 24mins 46secs 100th
6 Sheffield 23mins 55secs 107th
7 Glasgow 23mins 19secs 123rd
8 Nottingham 23mins 5secs 127th
9 Bristol 22mins 49secs 133rd
10 Swansea 22mins 18secs 145th
11 Hull 22mins 17secs 147th
12 Bradford 22mins 8secs 152nd
13 Aberdeen 21mins 37secs 168th
14 Coventry 21mins 20secs 177th
15 Cardiff 21mins 19secs 178th


In all, getting stuck in traffic during rush hour in London cost drivers 113 hours (around four-and-a-half days) last year, though drivers in the Irish capital Dublin and Lima in Peru were worse off, losing 150 hours (more than six days) to traffic.


London, Edinburgh & Liverpool Are The UK’s Slowest Cities

In all, five UK cities featured inside the top 100 of 500 when gauging the slowest rate of progress across six miles.

While not as lethargic as traversing London, it still requires a full 27mins 24secs to get across Edinburgh, while Liverpool requires 25mins 15secs of your time too. Leicester and Manchester were also singled out among the British contingent.

In terms of congestion outright, Hull is considered the UK’s worst, though Belfast, Edinburgh and Leicester are also considered worse than cities like Rio de Janeiro, Kyoto and Nairobi. In fact, 16 of the 35 UK cities studied feature inside the global top 100 for congestion - and they don't include London, surprisingly.

  Most Congested UK Cities Global Rank Hours Lost To Rush Hour Traffic
1 Hull 12th 96 hours
2 Belfast 15th 88 hours
3 Edinburgh 49th 94 hours
4 Leicester 51st 97 hours
5 Sheffield 56th 91 hours
6 Oxford 63rd 61 hours
7 Birmingham 66th 89 hours
8 Southampton 68th 77 hours
9 Exeter 79th 56 hours
10 Swansea 80th 75 hours
11 Reading 81st 73 hours
12 Cambridge 82nd 81 hours
13 Norwich 86th 60 hours
14 Dundee 90th 54 hours
15 Portsmouth 91st 52 hours


As for the cities that require the fewer precious minutes to cover six miles, Middlesborough comes out top in a leisurely 10mins 35secs – placing it 22nd on the global index – while Ipswich (13mins 17secs), Oxford (14mins 51secs), Newcastle-Sunderland (15mins 25secs) and Exeter (15mins 26secs) will also take up less of your time travelling.

Interestingly, though Oxford functions well when all is calm on the roads, when traffic does start to build it is in fact one of the worst cities in the world for congestion, placing 63rd.

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