Here's What Your Customers Look for in a Taxi Journey

What do passengers look for in their taxi services?
We know being a taxi driver isn’t an easy job, and it’s fair to say some customers can be easier to deal with than others! We’ve put together our top tips and information you’ll need to keep your customers satisfied.
As a private hire or taxi driver, you’re a part of a lively industry where each day you’ll take busy people where they need to go.
This can often make it seem like you don’t have time to tend to each customer as you would in a restaurant, amid the busy to-and-fro nature of picking up and dropping off passengers.
But your customers will expect you to.
Attending to their needs is important if you want to provide a reputable, reliable taxi service that they are likely to use for all their transportation needs and recommend through word of mouth.
Here are just some of the things that customers will expect from your taxi service, and how to make sure you exceed these expectations:
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Tips to Become a Successful Taxi Driver
1. Professionalism
Possibly the first thing that your customer will expect from your taxi service is for you to be professional. They are paying you to take them where they need to go, which will require them to trust that you are a responsible driver who can get them there safely.
Customers will also expect your service to look professional, which means having a clean, welcoming vehicle to give them a more comfortable, satisfactory journey. The Taxi Centre offers a range of new taxis that can enhance your professionalism, explore the range online today.
2. Knowledge of the Road
As you would expect being a taxi driver, your customers will also expect you to know the road. Chances are they are using your service as they don’t know how to get to their destination themselves, so you can’t always rely on your customers to keep you right!
If their purpose for travelling involves something important such as airport transfer, your customer will expect you to know the quickest way there for them so they can get there on time.
Having knowledge of the road pays off in your cab when you are able to skilfully avoid built-up construction areas which may cause delays. Keeping up to date with the latest travel news will also help you avoid accidents or road closures. That way, you can always get your customer where they need to be on time, with minimal issues.
3. Patience Is a Virtue
As the saying goes, patience really is a virtue! As a cab driver, you’ll experience a variety of passengers ranging from good to bad.
Some passengers may seem more difficult, though you should try to pick up on these specifically as they may be experiencing things you are not aware of. Be kind to these passengers and respect their space if they aren’t as chatty.
Apply understanding when facing passengers who seem stressed or frustrated, as these passengers are understandably on their way somewhere important. All they may require is some added reassurance that they will get where they need to be and get there on time.
4. Honesty and Punctuality
A basic expectation of customers is that you are on time since they will likely have made their booking in advance for a specific time.
They will also expect you to be honest with them about fares and will not appreciate a sudden price change before stepping out of your cab.
Make sure your customer knows the price they are expected to pay beforehand so they can ensure they have the means to pay this and avoid the awkwardness of having to take them to the nearest cash point.
This also involves making every effort to get your passenger to their destination in the fastest, easiest way. If they are going somewhere they have been before, they will soon catch on if you take them a long way to increase their fare!
5. A Clean Cab
Going back to professionalism, your vehicle sets the image for your taxi service and is like your office. Customers won’t appreciate you turning up in a dirty, unorganised taxi for them to get into and will be far less likely to enjoy the journey or consider using your service again.
Customers expect your vehicle to be clean and tidy, whether this is through clean, vacuumed mats and stain-free seats, to a fresh interior scent. So make sure you ditch the used coffee cups and empty wrappers and make your cab a welcoming space for your passengers to relax.
6. Calm is Key
There are times on the job when you might face a problem, whether this is to do with the vehicle itself or an unexpected traffic jam which was unforeseeable.
In these situations, your customer will expect you to remain calm and provide a solution to the problem so that they still get to their destination on time. You’ll need to do the best you can here and avoid making your customer feel stressed or worried in the event of an unexpected issue.
Remain calm in these instances, and simply explain the problem to your customer while reassuring them that you will deal with it in the best way you can. This may involve using your intuition and thinking of a solution, such as an alternate drop-off location which would still work for them or going a different route.
7. Friendly and Accommodating
Another basic expectation of your passengers is that you will be friendly and accommodate their needs.
Using your people and social skills, you will be able to determine the best form of communication required for each passenger based on their mood and emotions. Some customers will be chatty and look forward to a conversation, while others won’t- and that’s okay!
By anticipating their needs and tailoring your communication methods to suit them, you can make sure your customers experience a more comfortable, relaxing journey and that they leave your vehicle satisfied.
Customers will also expect you to assist them with any bags or luggage when travelling to the airport for instance, and those with a disability will require extra assistance which you should make sure you are able to provide.
We hope you’ve found this article useful and have all you need to give your passengers the best possible journey.
If you’re looking for a new taxi to strengthen your fleet and business image, at The Taxi Centre we have a range of vehicles from standard taxis, purpose-built taxis and electric and hybrid vehicles – browse the range now.
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